2025 with Madeleine Hummler Archaeological Investigation Routledge Second Edition
2024 Memoire for Rosemary Cramp (British Academy)
2023 Joined up synthesis in multi-disciplinary projects in A. Molinari and C.Wickham (eds) "Hard Sciences" and archaeology of the middle ages, towards new paradigms. International Seminar, British School at Rome 26-27th May Archaeologia Medievale 50,
67-76 doi.36153/am50.2023.06
2023 Living in a Material world Aethelflaed's archaeology in Rebecca Hardie (ed) Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians and Women in Tenth Century England (De Gruyer), 31-57
2023 Lundy, Jasmine, Léa Drieu, Paola Orecchioni, Antonino Meo, Veronica Aniceti,, Girolamo Fiorentino, Milena Primavera, Helen Talbot, Alessandra Molinari, Martin O. H. Carver, Oliver E. Craig Cuisine in transition? Organic residue analysis of domestic containers from 9th-14th Sicily Royal Society Open Science https://doi.org/ 10.1098/rsos.221305
2021 and Chris Loveluck with Stuart Brookes, Robin Daniels, Gareth Davies, Christopher Ferguson, Helen Geake, David Griffiths, David Hinton, Edward Oakley and Imogen Tompsett The Early Medieval – A Maritime Archaeological Research Agenda for England (Part of the Research Framework Network)
2021 Drieu L., Paola Orecchioni, Claudio Capelli, Antonino Meo, Jasmine Lundy Viva Sacco, Lucia Arcifa, Alessandra Molinari, Martin Carver, and Oliver E. Craig Chemical evidence for the persistence of wine production and trade in Early Medieval Islamic Sicily PNAS 118.10 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2017983118
2020 (with A. Molinari) Sicily and England: Norman transitions compared in Emily A. Winkler, Liam Fitzgerald and Andrew Small (eds) Designing Norman Sicily. Material Culture and Society (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press), 133-165.
2020 (with Bernd Saurrugger) Visions, needs and requirements for future research environments EOSC secretariat .eu
2019 Formative Britain. An Archaeology of Britain, fifth to eleventh century AD (Routledge: London and New York) 736pp, 313 illus.
2019 ( with Alessandra Molinari, Veronica Aniceti, Claudio Capelli, Francesca Colangeli, Lea Drieu, Girloamo Fiorentino, Madeleine Hummler, Jasmine Lundy, Antonino Meo, Aurore Monnereau, Paola Orecchioni, Milena Primavera, Alice Ughi) Sicily in Transition. New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 FASTI ONLINE Documents and Research(www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2019-437.pdf)
2019 Political transition at Portmahomack: the European context in Blackwell A.E, (ed.) Scotland in Early Medieval Europe (Leiden: Sidestone Press) 103-116
2019 (with A. Molinari and Girolamo Fiorentino) Sicily in Transition: Public Trends and Private Lives through Four Regimes in Dirk Booms and Peter John Higgs (eds) Sicily: Heritage of the World (British Museum), 120-132
2019 Carver, Martin, Alessandra Molinari, Veronica Aniceti, Claudio Capelli, Francesca Colangeli, Léa Drieu, Girolamo Fiorentino, Fabio Giovannini, Madeleine Hummler, Jasmine Lundy, Antonino Meo, Aurore Monnereau, Paola Orecchioni, Milena Primavera, Alice Ughi 2019 Sicily in Transition. New Research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 The Journal of FASTI online http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2019-437.pdf
2018a Living in the middle: multiple sources of the ‘Pictish House’ in Sarah Semple, Celia Orsini and Sian Mui (eds) Life on the edge: Social, Political and Religious Frontiers in Early Medieval Europe (Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung Band 6), 71-82
2018b (with Alessandra Molinari, Veronica Aniceti, Francesca Colangeli, Nicoletta Giannini, Fabio Giovannini, Madeleine Hummler, Claudio F Mangiaracina, Antonino Meo and Paola Orecchioni Sicily in Transition. Interim report of investigations at Castronovo di Sicilia 2016 FASTI ON LINE (http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2018-412.pdf)
2018 Drieu, Léa, Martin Carver, Oliver E. Craig Commodities carried in amphorae AD 600-1200 - New research from Sicily Archeologia Medievale 45, 269-274
2018 Alessandra Molinari, Martin Carver Insediamenti e cultura materiale nell’area di Castronovo di Sicilia. Secoli VI-XIII in Rosa Maria Carra Bonacasa, Emma Vitale (acd) Scavi, Topografia e Archeologia del Paesaggio. Studi in Memoria di Fabiola Ardizzone 2 (Antipodes; Palermo)
*2017 The Sutton Hoo Story: Encounters with Early England (Boydell and Brewer)
*2017 with Molinari, Alessandra. Ricerche 2016 a Castronovo di Sicilia. Sicily in Transition (Progetto ERC advance grant 2016-693600) Notizario Archeologico Soprintendenza Palermo, n.23/2017 https://sicilia.academia.edu/NotiziarioArcheologicoSoprintendenzaPalermo
*2016a Mound-building and State-building: a poetic discourse, in Tatjana N. Jackson (ed.) The Earliest States of Eastern Europe. Old Rus’ and Medieval Europe. The Origin of States (Moscow: Russian Academy of Science), 131-157
*2016b Portmahomack Monastery of the Picts (2nd edition, EUP)
*2016c (with Justin Garner-Lahire and Cecily Spall) Portmahomack on Tarbat Ness. Changing ideologies in north-east Scotland, sixth to sixteenth century AD (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; On line 2019 on open access at http://books.socantscot.org/digital-books/catalog/book/4).
*2016d Ideological Transitions in Pictland in Roy Flechner and Máire Ní Mhonaigh (eds) The Introduction of Christianity in to the Early Medieval Insular World (Brepols), 305-320.
*2016e (with Alessandra Molinari) Sicily in Transition Research Project. Investigations at Castrononovo di Sicilia. Results and Prospects, 2015 FASTI ON LINE (http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2016-352.pdf
*2015 Commerce and Cult: Confronted ideologies in 6th - 9th century Europe Medieval Archaeology 59, 1-23
*2014a Contribution to the Display of the Staffordshire Middle Saxon Hoard Birmingham City Museum
*2014b (with Madeleine Hummler), Research Plan for Sutton Hoo For the National Trust
*2014c Review of Turner et al Wearmouth and Jarrow. Northumbrian monasteries in a historic landscape in Ant.J. 95: 374-5
*2014d (ed. with Bisserka Gaydarska and Sandra Monton Sabias) Field Archaeology from around the World. Ideas and approaches Springer book
*2014e Medieval archaeology: families and freedoms Archeologia Medievale (numero speciale Quarant’anni de Archeologia Medievale in Italia),197-204
*2014f Travels on the sea and in the mind in Stacy S. Klein, William Schipper, and Shannon Lewis-Simpson, eds., The Maritime World of the Anglo-Saxons. Essays in Anglo-Saxon Studies, vol. 5. MRTS 448. Tempe: ACMRS, 2014, 21-36
*2013 Those Elusive Villagers Saxon (Sutton Hoo Society Newsletter) 57, 9
*2013 (with Chris Loveluck) Early Medieval, AD 400-1000 in Jesse Randsley & Fraser Sturt (eds) People and the Sea: A Maritime Archaeological Research Agenda for England (York: CBA Research Report 171), 113-137
*2012 (ed) Antiquity 331, 332, 333, 334
*2012 Carver, M O H, John Barrett, Jane Downes and Janet Hooper, 2012 Pictish-period byre-houses at Pitcarmick and their landscape: investigations 1993-5 PSAS 142, 145-200
*2012 Review of Birgit Arrhenius & Uaininn O’Medhra (eds.) Excavations at Helgö XVIII. Conclusions and new aspects Antiquity 86, 1242-1244.
- 2011a What were they thinking? Intellectual territories in Anglo-Saxon England in Helena Hamerow, David A Hinton and Sally Crawford (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology (Oxford University Press): 914-947.
- 2011b Sutton Hoo – An archaeography in John Scholfield (ed.) Great Excavations. Shaping the Archaeological Profession (Oxford: Oxbow Books): 25-43
- 2011c Making Archaeology Happen: Design versus Dogma (Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press) 184pp
- 2011d (ed., with Jan Klapste) The Archaeology of Medieval Europe Vol 2 Twelfth to Sixteenth Century (Aarhus University Press), 605pp
- 2011e-m (in Carver and Klapste 2011): Scope and Agenda, 15-47; Box 1.1 Shapwick, 28-31; Habitat, introduction, 58-9; Rattray, 116-118; Power, introduction, 228-9; Box 9.4 Crypta Balbi, 401-2; Spirituality, introduction, 409-11; The materiality of Christian worship, 428-436; Cathedrals and monasteries 442-466; Box 11.4, Portmahomack, 472-5; Index, 581-591.
- 2011n-q (ed) Antiquity 327, 328, 329, 330.
*2011r Lost, found, repossessed or argued away – the case of the Picts. Review of Stephen T. Driscoll, Jane Geddes & Mark Hall (eds) Pictish Progress: new studies on northern Britain in the Early Middle Ages Antiquity 85, 1479-1483
- 2010a (ed with Alex Sandmark and Sarah Semple) Signals of Belief in Early England (Oxford: Oxbow Books)
- 2010b Agency, Intellect and Archaeological Agenda in Carver et al.: 1-20
- 2010c The Birth of a Borough. An archaeological study of Anglo-Saxon Stafford (Woodbridge: Boydell Press) 173pp
- 2010d Debating Urbanism in Post-Roman Europe: Some thoughts about Objectives in Denis Sami and Gavin Speed (eds) Debating Urbanism Within and Beyond the Walls A.D. 300-700 (Leicester Archaeology Monograph 17): 289-291.
- 2010e (ed) Antiquity 323, 324, 325, 326
- 2010f Four windows on Early Britain in William North (ed.) The Haskins Society Journal () 22, 1-24
- 2009a (with Catherine Hills and Jonathan Scheschkewitz) Wasperton. A Roman, British and Anglo-Saxon Community in Central England (Woodbridge: Boydell Press)
- 2009b 'Ancestral airs: Snape and Sutton Hoo' in Ariane Banks and Jonathan Reekie (eds) New Aldeburgh Anthology (Aldeburgh Music: The Boydell Press): 235-240.
- 2009c 'On Reading Anglo-Saxon graves' in Alice Jorgensen, Helen Conrad-O'Brien and John Scattergood (eds) The Kemble Lectures on Anglo-Saxon Studies 2005-8 (Dublin, Trinity College): 81-103.
- 2009d Early Scottish monasteries and prehistory: a preliminary dialogue The Scottish Historical Review 88: 332-351
- 2009e 'Age of Conquest' in David Dimbleby (presenter) Seven Ages of Britain (London: Hodder and Stoughton): 31-58
- 2009f Antiquity (ed) 319, 320, 321, 322
- 2009g Archaeological Investigation (London and New York: Routledge) 424pp
- 2008a Portmahomack Monastery of the Picts (Edinburgh University Press)
- 2008b Post-Pictish Problems: The Moray Firthlands in the 9-11th centuries (Rosemarkie: Groam House Lecture for 2007)
- 2008c The Pictish Monastery at Portmahomack (Jarrow Lecture for 2008)
- 2008d Thinking Allowed Current Archaeology
- 2008e (ed) Antiquity 315, 316, 317, 318
- 2007a The Future of Antiquity in M Rundqvist (ed) Scholarly Journals between the Past and the Future (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien Konferenser 65): 30-49
- 2007b Archaeology journals, academics and Open Access European Journal of Archaeology 10, No. 2-3, 135-148.
- 2007c (ed) Antiquity 311, 312, 313, 314
- 2006a (ed) Antiquity 307, 308, 309, 310
- 2006b 'A Columban monastery in Pictland' Current Archaeology 205: 20-29
- 2005a Sutton Hoo. A Seventh-century Princely burial ground and its context (British Museum Publications) 536pp See Publications for download
- 2005b Sutton Hoo. Burial Ground of Kings? (British Museum Press; reprinted with revisions)
- 2005c 'Sculpture in action: contexts for stone carving on the Tarbat peninsula, Easter Ross'. In S M Foster and M Cross (eds) Able Minds and Practised Hands. Scotland's Early Medieval Sculpture in the 21st Century, Leeds, 13-36.
- 2005d (ed) Antiquity 303, 304, 305, 306
- 2004a An Iona of the East: the early medieval monastery at Portmahomack, Easter Ross Medieval Archaeology 48:1-30
- 2004b (ed) Antiquity 299, 300, 301, 302
- 2004c Tvier hjartans vinir. Fornleifafraeði og textar Ritið 2: 215-257 [trans of 2002b into Icelandic]
- 2004d 'Key ideas in Excavation' in P Bahn and C Renfrew (eds) Archaeology The key concepts (London and New York: Routledge), 106-110
- 2004e [with Cecily Spall], Excavating a parchmenerie: archaeological correlates of making parchment at the Pictish monastery at Portmahomack, Easter Ross Proc. Soc Ant. Scot. 134: 183-200
- 2003a (ed) The Cross goes North. Processes of Christian Conversion in Northern Europe, c300-1300AD (York: York Medieval Press/Boydell press)
- idem.: 'Introduction: Northern Europeans negotiate their Future' In Carver: 3-13
- 2003b Archaeological Value and Evaluation (con contributo di Gian Pietro Brogiolo; Società Archeologica Padana s.r.l.; Manuali per l'Archeologia 2).
- 2003c (ed) Antiquity 295, 296, 297, 298
- 2003d Britain, ideologies and the Frisian Sea in Willy Groenman-van Waateringe, Ben van Beek and Willy Metz (eds) Het Instituut. Vijftig jaar (Amsterdams Archeologisch Centrum Institut voor Prae-en Protohistorie) 68-79.
- 2003e (ed) Bulletin of the Tarbat Discovery Programme 7 [www.york.ac.uk/depts/arch/staff/sites/tarbat/]
- 2002a Reflections on the meaning of Anglo-Saxon barrows in Sam Lucy and Andrew Reynolds (eds) Burial in Early Medieval England and Wales (London: Society for Medieval Archaeology):132-143.
- 2002b Marriages of true minds: archaeology with texts in B Cunliffe, W Davies and C Renfrew (eds) Archaeology: the widening debate (British Academy) 465-496.
- 2002c Politik und Kultur im Britannien des 10.Jahrhunderts in Joachim Henning (herausg.) Europa im 10. Jahrhundert Archäologie einer Aufbruchszeit (Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern): 209-226.
- 2001a Why that, why there, why then? The politics of early medieval monumentality in A Macgregor and H Hamerow (eds) Image and Power in early medieval British archaeology Essays in honour of Rosemary Cramp (Oxbow: Oxford): 1-22
- 2001b Review of Simon Taylor (ed) Kings, Clerics and Chronicles in Scotland, 500-1297: Essays in honour of Marjorie Olgivie Anderson on the occasion of her Ninetieth Birthday (Four Courts):in English Historical Review 468: 921-922
- 2001c (ed) Bulletin of the Tarbat Discovery Programme 6 (2000) [www.york.ac.uk/depts/arch/staff/sites/tarbat/]
- 2001e 'The Future of Field Archaeology' in Z Kobylinski (ed) Quo vadis archaeologia? Whither European Archaeology in the 21st century (Warsaw: European Science Foundation): 118-132
- 2001f Tarbat in M Lynch The Oxford Companion to Scottish History (OUP): 594-5
- 2000a 'Town and anti-town in first millennium Europe' in A Buko, P Urbanczyk (red) Archeologia w teorii i w praktyce (Festschift Stanilas Tabaczynski, Warsaw): 373-396
- 2000b (ed) Bulletin of the Tarbat Discovery Programme 5 (1999) [www.york.ac.uk/depts/arch/staff/sites/tarbat/]
- 2000c 'Burial as Poetry: the context of treasure in Anglo-Saxon Graves' in E Tyler (ed) Treasure in the Medieval West (York Medieval Press: Boydell):25-48.
- 1999a (ed) Bulletin of the Tarbat Discovery Programme 4 (1998)
- 1999b Discovery at Tarbat [site guide, with Elizabeth Hooper]
- 1999c: 'Cemetery and Society at Sutton Hoo: five awkward questions and four contradictory answers' in Catherine E Karkov, Kelley M Wickham-Crowley and Bailey K Young (eds) Spaces of the Living and the Dead: an archaeological dialogue (American Early Medieval Studies 3):1-14
- 1999d: "Sutton Hoo" and "Princely Burials" for M Lapidge, J Blair, S Keynes and D Scragg (eds) Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England: 376-378;432-436
- 1999e 'Preface' to H Geake and J Kenney (eds) Early Deira: Archaeological Studies of the East Riding in the fourth to ninth centuries AD (Oxford:Oxbow): ix-xi.
- 1999f Exploring, explaining, imagining: Anglo-Saxon Archaeology 1998 in Catherine E Karkov (ed) The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England: Basic Readings (Garland, NY): 25-52
- 1999g Surviving in Symbols. A Visit to the Pictish Nation (The Making of Scotland; Canongate Books, Edinburgh) 64pp. Reprinted 2005
- 1999h Exhibition text for Tarbat Discovery Centre (opened by Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay October 1999)
- 1999i Shielding identity: some comments on objects and images in Pictish carving= in Susan Bennett (ed) Pictish Art (Proceedings of a Conference held at Elgin: Elgin Museum): 7-9.
- 1999j Field Archaeology in G Barker (ed) Companion Encyclopaedia of Archaeology (London and New York): 128-181.
- 1998a Sutton Hoo. Burial Ground of Kings? (BMP)
- 1998b 'Uberlegungen zur Bedeutung angel-sächsischer Grabhügel' in Anke Wesse (hsg) Studien zur Archäologie des Ostseeraumes von der Eisenzeit zum Mittelalter. Festschift für Michael Müller-Wille (Neumunster): 259-268
- 1998c (ed) Bulletin of the Tarbat Discovery Programme 3 (1997)
- 1998d 'Conversion and Politics on the eastern seaboard of Britain: some archaeological indicators' in B E Crawford (ed) Christianity and Conversion in the North Sea Region (St Andrews):11-40
- 1998e 'On archaeological value' in Stanislaw Tabaczynski (ed) Theory and Practice of Archaeological Research III: Dialogue with the data. The archaeology of complex societies and its context in the '90s(Warsaw): 411-430.
- 1998f Hilton of Cadboll. Archaeological Assessment and Project Design (Report prepared for Jane Durham, Historic Scotland, Highland Council, Tain and Easter Ross Civic Trust)
- 1997a 'Immemorial mounds' National Trust Magazine
- 1997b (ed) Bulletin of the Tarbat Discovery Programme 2 (1996)
- 1996a 'On archaeological value' Antiquity 70: 45-56.
- 1996b 'Transitions to Islam' in N Christie and S Loseby Towns in Transition (Leicester University Press): 184-212.
- 1996c (with Djemal Souidi) Archaeological reconnaissance and Evaluation in the Achir Basin (Algeria). Archéologie Islamique 6:7-44
- 1996d (ed) Bulletin of the Tarbat Discovery Programme 1 (1995)
- 1995a (ed) AD Phillips and B Heywood Roman Fortress to Norman Cathedral: the Roman legionary fortress at York and its exploitation in the early middle ages (Excavations at York Minster vol I: RCHME)
- 1995b 'Roman to Norman at York Minster: ibid. :Chapter 4
- 1995c 'Digging for Data' in W Hensel, S Tabaczynski and P Urbanczyk The Theory and Practice of Archaeological Research Vol II [Multi-stratified sites]
- 1995d 'On and off the Edda' in O, Olsen, J S Madsen and F Riek (eds) Ship-shape Essays for Ole Crumlin-Pedersen: 305-312.
- 1995e 'Ship burial in early Britain: ancient custom or political signal?' in Ole Crumlin-Pedersen and B Munch Thye (eds) The Ship as Symbol in prehistoric and medieval Scandinavia (Copenhagen): 111-124.
- 1995f The North Sea Highway: Cultural Arena or Political barrier in J.M. Fladmark (ed) Sharing the Earth. Local identity and global culture (Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University): 177-190
- 1994a 'Environment and commodity in Anglo-Saxon England' in The Anglo-Saxon Environment (ed J Rackham):1-6
- 1994b 'Digging for data' in Interbenzio Arkeologia (Jornadas Internacionales Arqueologia de Intervencion, Basque Government Conference, Donastia).
- 1993a Arguments in stone: archaeological research and the European town in the first millennium AD (being the Dalrymple Lectures for 1990) University of Glasgow and Oxford: Oxbow.
- 1993b (ed) In Search of Cult: archaeological investigations in honour of P A Rahtz (Woodbridge : Boydell and Brewer)
- 1993c (ed) The Sutton Hoo Research Committee: Bulletins 1983-1993 (Omnibus Edition; Woodbridge: Boydell Press)
- 1992a 'Bad day at Earl Bottom or The Innocent Archaeologist in court' The Field Archaeologist 17: 329-332.
- 1992b 'Ideology and allegiance in early East Anglia' in R Farrell and C Neuman de Vegvar (eds) Sutton Hoo: Fifty Years after (American Early Medieval Studies 2, Oxford Ohio):117-182.
- 1992c 'The future of Sutton Hoo' in C B Kendall and P S Wells (eds) Voyage to the other world: the legacy of Sutton Hoo (University of Minnesota Press):183-200.
- 1992d (ed) The Age of Sutton Hoo (Woodbridge : Boydell & Brewer)
- 1992e 'The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Sutton Hoo - an interim report' in Carver (ed) The Age of Sutton Hoo: 343-371
- 1991a (ed) Prehistory in Lowland Shropshire (Trans Shrop Arch Soc 67)
- 1991b 'A strategy for lowland Shropshire' in Prehistory in Lowland Shropshire (Shrewsbury: TSAS now Shropshire History and Archaeology 67):1-8
- 1991c [with M R Hummler] 'Excavations at Rock Green Ludlow 1975' Shropshire History and Archaeology 67:84-97
- 1991d (edited, with Dept of Archaeology, York and Messrs Ove Arup and Partners) York Development and Archaeology Study (English Heritage)
- 1990a 'Pre-Viking traffic in the north sea' in S McGrail (ed) Maritime Celts, Frisians and Saxons (CBA Research Report 71):117-125
- 1990b 'Digging for data: archaeological approaches to data definition, acquisition and analysis' in R Francovich & D Manacorda (a cura di) Lo Scavo Archeologico: dalla diagnosi all'edizione (Firenze): 45 120
- 1989a 'Digging for ideas'[inaugural lecture, University of York] Antiquity 63:666-674
- 1989b 'Kingship and material culture in early Anglo Saxon East Anglia' in S Bassett (ed) The origins of Anglo Saxon kingdoms (Leicester University Press): 141-158.
- 1988a 'In the steps of a master: Philip Barker and the future of archaeological excavation' in A Burl (ed) From Roman Town to Norman Castle: Essays in Honour of P A Barker (Birmingham): 11-29
- 1988b The Report of the Contract Archaeology Study Group The Field Archaeologist 8: 115-117
- 1987a 'S Maria foris portas at Castel Seprio: a famous church in a new context' World Archaeology 18.3: 312 329.
- 1987b Underneath English towns (Batsford).
- 1987c 'Santa Maria foris Portas e la città abandonata di Castel Seprio: nuove indagine e prospetti' Atti 2o Convegno Archeologico Regionale (Como 1984):563-584.
- 1987d Graphic recording at Sutton Hoo. Single instrument remote plotting – with no strings attached The Field Archaeologist 7: 102-103
- 1986-1989 (Presenter/scriptwriter) 'New Beginnings' 'The last of the Pagans' and 'Sea Peoples' 50 min TV documentaries in the BBC 2 Series 'Sutton Hoo'.
- 1986a 'Sutton Hoo: management and intervention on acid sandy sites' in Preventative measures during excavation and site protection (ICCROM) 27 44.
- 1986b 'Sutton Hoo in context' Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studii sull'alto Medioevo 32: 77 123.
- 1986c 'The "ploughman", the "hanged man" and the cult of Woden' Saxon (Sutton Hoo Society Journal).
- 1986d 'Anglo Saxon objectives at Sutton Hoo, 1985' Anglo Saxon England 15, 139 152.
- 1986e 'Contemporary artefacts illustrated in Late Saxon manuscripts' Archaeologia 108, 117 145.
- 1986f Statement submitted by M.O.H. Carver to IFA Council on 19th February 1986. Implications for members of the Institute of Field Archaeologists of Recent Events connected with the World Archaeological Congress, and of the actions taken by Council The Field Archaeologist 5: 59-61
- (ed) West Midlands Archaeology (1981) (1982) (1983).
- (ed) Bulletin of the Sutton Hoo Research Committee 1 (1983), 2 (1984), 3 (1985), 4 (1986),5 (1987), 6 (1989) 7 (1990) 8 (1993).
- 1985a 'Diggers and digging in the 21st century' The Field Archaeologist 3: 26 28.
- 1985b 'Theory and practice in urban pottery seriation' Journal of Archaeological Science 12: 353 366.
- 1985c 'The Sutton Hoo Project: confronting the past through new technology' The Listener (29 August 1985) 13 14.
- 1985d 'The friendly user' in M A Cooper & J D Richards (eds) Current issues in archaeological computing (BAR Int 271, 1985) 47 61.
- 1985e (Reviews of) M L Faull (ed) Studies in late Saxon Settlement (Oxford, 1984); B Jones Past Imperfect: the story of Rescue Archaeology (London, 1984) in The Local Historian 16.7 (1985) 432 3.
- 1985f (Reviews of) R A Croft & D C Maynard A guide to the medieval landscape of Milton Keynes (Milton Keynes, 1984); S P Q Rahtz & T Rowley Middleton Stoney: excavations and survey in a north Oxfordshire parish (Oxford, 1984) in The Local Historian 16.8 (1985) 493 4.
- 1984a Bibliografia della metodologia archeologica Enciclopedia Europea Garzanti, 1984.
- 1984b Bibliografia dell'archeologia medievale in Europa ibid.
- 1984c Review of Hereford City Excavations II in Antiquaries Journal 64: 176 8.
- 1984d 'Archeologia urbana in Europa' in Archeologia Urbana in Lombardia (Modena, 1984) 9 21.
- 1984e 'Modernising archaeology' The Field Archaeologist 1: 5.
- 1983a (with C B K Cane & J Cane) 'Saxon and medieval Stafford, new results and theories 1983' West Midlands Archaeology 26: 49 66.
- 1983b (ed) Two town houses in medieval Shrewsbury (Shropshire Archaeological Society 61).
- 1983c 'Valutazione, strategia ed analisi nei siti pluristratificati' Archeologia Medievale 10: 49 71.
- 1983d 'Forty French towns: an essay on archaeological site evaluation and historical aims' Oxford Journal of Archaeology 2.3: 339 378
- 1983e (Review of) R Shoesmith Hereford City Excavations Vol I and II in Medieval Archaeology 27: 260.
- 1982 (with G P Brogiolo & Serena Massa) 'Sequenza insediativa Romana e alto medievale alla Pieve di Manerba' Archeologia Medievale 9: 237 298.
- 1981a 'Sampling towns: an optimistic strategy' in P Clack & S Haselgrove (eds) Approaches to the urban past (Durham University Occasional Paper No 2) 65 91.
- 1981b Underneath Stafford town (Stafford).
- 1981c 'The archaeology of early Lichfield: an inventory and recent results' Transactions of the South Staffordshire Archaeology and History Society 22 : 1 12.
- 1981d 'Excavations south of Lichfield cathedral, 1976 7' ibid 35 69.
- 1980a 'Early medieval Durham the archaeological evidence' in Medieval art and architecture at Durham cathedral (British Archaeological Association) 11 19.
- 1980b (ed) Medieval Worcester an archaeological framework (Worcester: Worcestershire Archaeological Society).
- 1980c 'Introduction an archaeology for the City of Worcester, 680 1680 AD' ibid 1 12.
- 1980d 'The site and settlements at Worcester' ibid 15 30.
- 1980e 'The excavation of three medieval craftsmen's tenements at Sidbury, Worcester' ibid 155 219.
- 1980f 'A kiln found at Diglis in 1860, and documentary evidence for potting and tiling in medieval Worcester' ibid 255 260.
- 1980g (with A Roe and M A Cooper) 'Excavation and survey at Castle Farm, Shropshire: an interim report' West Midlands Archaeology 23: 40 51.
- 1980h 'A fragment of a Norman tympanum from Caverswall, Staffordshire' Journal of the North Staffordshire Field Club 20: 1 8.
- 1979a 'Notes on some general principles for the analysis of excavated data' Science and Archaeology 21: 3 14.
- 1979b (contribution to) P V Addyman and I H Goodall 'The Norman church and door at Stillingfleet' Archaeologia 106: 74 105.
- 1979c 'Three Saxo Norman tenements in Durham City' Medieval Archaeology 23:1 80.
- 1978a 'Deanery buildings at St Andrew Auckland, Co Durham' Transactions of the Durham and Northumberland Architectural and Archaeological Society 4: 81 84.
- 1978b Review of: W & K Rodwell, Historic churches: a wasting asset (CBA, 1978) in Bulletin of the CBA Churches Committee 8: 10 11 (with reply by Warwick and Kirsty Rodwell).
- 1978c (with S Donaghey and A B Sumpter) 'Riverside structures and a well in Skeldergate and buildings in Bishophill' The archaeology of York 4/1.
- 1978d 'Early Shrewsbury: an archaeological definition in 1975' Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society 59 (1973/4 iss. 1978) 225 63.
- 1978e 'Which? Some criteria for site selectors' Rescue News 15: 9 10.
- 1976a 'The independent regional committee in principle and practice' Rescue News 12: 9.
- 1976b (Roman, medieval and post medieval structures at Bishophill) in P V Addyman Excavations in York 1973 1974: second interim report (CBA) 1 5, 12, 15 17, 25.
- 1976c (with P F Gosling) 'The archaeology of Durham City' in Archaeology in the North ed D W Harding (Durham) 133 145.
- 1975 'Archaeology in Shrewsbury' Rescue News 9.
- 1974a 'Excavations in New Elvet, Durham City 1961 1973' Archaeologia Aeliana 5S 2: 91 148.
- 1974b (with J Wills) Shrewsbury the buried past (Shrewsbury).
- 1973 'Documentary sources for the topography of the Chalton area' in P V Addyman & D Leigh, 'The Anglo Saxon village at Chalton, Hampshire', Medieval Archaeology 17: 20 24.